1. So the Prophets of Impending Doom release I mentioned in the last post I did here - it's still coming. It's just taking a damned long time to be recorded due to:
- disorganisation on the part of multiple people in the band,
- people being lazy (not me, my parts are done)
2. My funk band, Silent Duck, are doing quite well - we've released our debut album Gap Year.
http:/ /silentduck. bandcamp. com
^ without the spaces, should take you to it.
3. The skacore band I mentioned, was a total shambles. Not very accomplished musicians, the whole thing just fell apart after the first rehearsal. Kind of like when Prophets had their first rehearsal. We picked up the piece ten months later, though, that's not happening with this one, it seems. However, I have joined a reggae band which IS working, and slowly working our way through a pile of songs. On our way to creating a good forty-minute repertoire in a few months, let's hope.
4. I have a car, so that's made everything music-wise a LOT easier for everybody!
5. If any of you have seen that TOO MANY ZOOZ thing, the crazy awesome trumpet/bari sax/drums trio that busts some awesome moves and play regularly in Union Square Station - I've watched that so many times, and bought the EP, and now my cousin is saving up for a bari, so a TMZ-style group may be on the cards sometime as well. That would be pretty cool.
You got any questions about what's happening music-wise in Adelaide, South Australia, fire away below in the comments.
So when are Physical CD for Prophets of Impending Doom coming out?
August 30 is the release date for the second EP in physical form. If you live outside of Australia, we'll post a bandcamp link where you can buy it online and hopefully we can sort some sort of mailing system out to get it to you.